Hazmat & OSHA Compliance Consulting
DESI understands our Clients’ staff is their most valuable asset. DESI also understands their commitment to provide a safe work environment by integrating safety as a key corporate mission to protect their assets, the environment, reputation, and profits. We advocate safety not because of regulations, but simply because we care.
DESI’s occupational safety and health personnel consisting of highly qualified environmental regulatory specialists, Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIH), Certified Safety Professionals (CSP), Professional Engineers (PE), Noise Consultants, and Asbestos and Lead certified professionals are available to partner with you from the inception of project to completion in developing customized project goals in keeping with your business objectives.
We can help achieve practical and cost effective solutions to address safety, health, and environmental regulatory issues. We assist our clients in evaluating the effectiveness of their safety management program and policies, conducting OSHA compliance audits, assisting with OSHA citations, or keeping with current industry trends and regulatory changes.

Mold Consulting
Concerns about indoor exposure to mold and biological pollutants have been increasing as the public becomes aware that exposure to mold can cause a variety of health effects and symptoms, including allergic reactions, infectious diseases, or toxic effects. The issue of Indoor Air Quality and the interrelation of fungal and microbial contamination challenge the course to remediate indoor mold amplifiers.
To assist those responsible for maintaining facilities in evaluation and correcting the problem in the event of mold growth, DESI provides assessment of the extent of the moisture problem, mold growth, and mold growth associated with human health effects. DESI’s licensed mold assessor provides an approach to address potential and observed mold growth on structural materials in commercial, school, and residential buildings by developing a site-specific work plan. The work plan can provide an effective means of communication with building occupants that is an important component of all remedial efforts and overall mold removal services.
DESI also provides preparation of work analysis for the project including minimum work standards of mold assessments, and preparation of a mold remediation plan that is specific to each remediation project.

Hazmat and mold consulting services DESI provides include:
- Asbestos Management
- Final Status report
- Hazardous Materials Survey and Management
- Health and Safety Plans and Program Development
- Issuing written Passed Clearance report
- Lead Management
- Microbial Evaluation and Remedial Design
- OSHA Compliance Audits
- Pre- and Post- Remediation Assessments
- Preparation of a Remediation Plan covering
- Recommendations for public health notice
- Respiratory Protection
- Safety Inspections
- Safety Training
- Ventilation Assessments
- Worker Exposure Evaluation
NYCDDC – High Bridge Rehabilitation
Distinct Engineering Solutions, Inc. (DESI) is providing Environmental and Engineering support to Schiavone Construction Company (SCC) retained by the New York City Department of Design and Construction (NYCDDC) for the rehabilitation of the High Bridge. DESI performed worker exposure monitoring for silica during façade cleaning operations, and has recommended safe work practices and controls to minimize exposure.

Rondout West Branch Bypass Tunnel – Shafts 5B & 6B
DESI is providing Environmental and Engineering support to SCC retained by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) to construct the two shafts (5B & 6B) for the Bypass Tunnel in the towns of Newburgh and Wappinger, New York. DESI has prepared Demolition Debris Sampling Plan, Lead Health & Safety Plan, and Air Monitoring Plan for construction and demolition activities for SCC’s work. DESI has conducted air monitoring to assess worker and community exposure to lead, arsenic, cadmium, and chromium during demolition operations and recommended safe work practices.

MTA – 2nd Avenue 63rd and 72nd Street Stations
DESI provides residential Environmental Engineers to work along with Judlau Contracting, Inc. for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority Capital Construction (MTA CC) project for the Second Avenue Subway. DESI assists with implementation of project specifications and to guide in implementing corrective actions. DESI has also designed worker exposure monitoring programs for VOCs, silica, and dust during station finishes work and conducts air monitoring for worker and community exposure assessments.

Newark Public Schools – Broadway Elementary School (aka Luis Munoz-Marin School)
Newark Public Schools (NPS) retained DESI to provide Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) services for an ongoing Remedial Investigation at the Broadway Elementary School. DESI conducted environmental sampling and identified residual soil and groundwater contamination from past operations at the site. DESI also performed a vapor intrusion study and found indoor VOC levels exceeding NJDEP allowable limits. A sub-slab vapor extraction system was developed and implemented successfully clearing the classrooms of contamination.

NJTA Facilities Improvement Program – Turnpike North
DESI is providing our client with Building Hazardous Investigations include evaluation and sampling for asbestos-containing materials (ACM), lead-based paint (LBP), universal waste (UW), poly-chlorinated bi-phenols (PCB), mercury, chemicals stored for maintenance use, etc.; identify abatement needs; providing input on the hazardous materials as required by an Executive Order No. 215 Environmental document and for procurement of regulatory permits.

56 Leonard Street, New York, New York
DESI is providing periodic inspections during the construction phase of a 57-story residential building with approximately 144 apartments, to proactively identify conditions that could potentially lead to mold growth. Pathways for infiltration, collection, and accumulation of moisture are identified during inspections and immediately communicated with the client for rectification. Site inspections include observations and inspection of stored building and construction materials, construction activities, as well as installed building and construction materials for the presence of mold and for conditions conducive for possible mold intrusion areas. Records of observations, including photographic documentation, and summary reports are maintained.

Alexico Management Group – 400 East 67th Street, Manhattan, NY
DESI was retained by Alexico Management Group to identify potential mold issues and verify conditions in a new 30-story luxury apartment building at 400 East 67th Street, with a total of 128 residential apartments and five (5) basement floors containing parking areas, electrical and mechanical units, storage units, retail space, a fitness center, professional office space, a residential lounge, loading areas, and a medical research center. DESI performed: 1) a site walk-through to identify potential areas of accumulation of moisture and humidity that can cause mold growth, and identify areas of concern; 2) a comprehensive visual inspection and indoor air quality (IAQ) tests at each apartment and cellar area upon substantial completion; and 3) preparation of a Final Report including, If results indicated the presence of mold, providing recommendations to further minimize mold.

Douglas Elliman Property Management – 165 Charles St. NY
DESI was retained to provide environmental, as well as mold consulting and removal services to evaluate water damage from Super Storm Sandy and recommend measures to be undertaken to reduce potential mold and mildew issues from water damage. A site walkthrough was performed to assess visible water damage and preliminary guidelines were provided to accelerate elimination of moisture, including steps to be taken to reduce moisture from third party storage areas. A follow-up visit was conducted to assess the effectiveness of the measures taken. Upon completion of the drying process, and before implementation of repairs, DESI recommended the collection of petri-dish samples and air samples for lab testing to confirm mold growth. Based on analytical test results, additional recommendations were provided as required. DESI prepared a report presenting the observations, findings, recommendations and lab results.