Environmental Investigation & Remediation

In today’s regulatory climate, many businesses and industries find themselves affected by new and continually shifting environmental regulations. Navigating this sea of regulations and policies can prove to be a daunting challenge. Distinct Engineering Solutions, Inc. (DESI) stands ready to provide its clients with practical and appropriate solutions to their environmental challenges. DESI’s staff of highly qualified environmental professionals includes engineers, geologists, scientists, and industrial hygienists. Many of DESI’s staff have over 25 years of experience and bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and proficiency to each project; thus ensuring a successful resolution to your environmental issues. Whether you need routine environmental due diligence, investigation of a contaminated site, mitigation of a vapor intrusion problem, or design of a groundwater treatment system, DESI will guide you through every step of the project with our environmental professionals.

DESI has extensive experience at sites in New York State and New York City. Our familiarity with New York State and New York City regulations has contributed to the successful completion of a number of large scale projects, including the MTA’s Second Avenue Subway, 72nd Street Station, and NYCDEP’s Rondout West Branch Bypass Tunnel.

DESI has been providing environmental investigations, and remediation in N—J—(NJ) adhering to the guidelines issued under the New Jersey signed the Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA). Our LSRP have provided oversight as well as issued Remedial Action Outcome (RAO).

Our Environmental Services Include:

Belmont Runyon Elementary School Site Remediation, Newark Public Schools, New Jersey

Newark Public Schools (NPS) retained DESI to assist with closure of environmental issues associated with the Belmont Runyon School. DESI reviewed previously prepared existing background data for the site, and submitted missing data to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). DESI conducted a PA/SI/RI, which identified residual soil and groundwater contamination from past site operations. DESI performed a vapor intrusion study and developed a passive remediation scheme.
DESI received NJDEP approval of a Remedial Action Work Plan (RAWP) and Remedial Action Report (RAR), and received a Remedial Action Permit for the site.
This project won an American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of NJ 2012 “Distinguished” Engineering Excellence Award.

Rondout West Branch Bypass Tunnel – Shafts 5B & 6B, NYC Department of Environmental Protection

Schiavone Constructors Company, LLC (SCC) retained DESI as subcontractor on a NYCDEP project to construct a 2.5-mile long bypass Tunnel on opposite sides of the Hudson River. DESI prepared a Soil Sampling Plan and a Spill Prevention Containment and Control Plan, performed soil characterization for off-site disposal of soils, and provided oversight for closure of a #2 Heating Oil Tank. DESI is conducting periodic residential well water sampling and monitoring.

Former Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) Site Corrective Action, Pelham Manor, New York

Conti Construction retained DESI as subcontractor on a ConEd remedial action project at a former Manufactured Gas Plant site. DESI developed an Excavation Management and ConEd approved contaminated soil disposal facilities. DESI provided oversight of the excavation and fill operation, installed monitoring wells, evaluated groundwater quality, reviewed the design of the dewatering and pre-treatment system, and prepared the SWPPP for NYSDEC approval.
DESI prepared a Geotechnical Instrumentation Plan for implementation during the installation of the excavation support system, and excavation and backfilling activities; and provided monitoring for vibration, cracks, and vertical and lateral ground movement. DESI reviewed the monitoring data collected on a regular basis, and provided recommendations for corrective actions if movements exceeded allowable limits.

Second Avenue Subway, 72ndStreet Station, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)

MTA Capital Construction retained Schiavone Shea and Kiewit (SSK) Constructors JV for construction of the 72nd Street Station Cavern. As subcontractor, DESI provided SSK with environmental awareness training, characterized subsurface soil and groundwater, and prepared the Community Air Monitoring Plan (CAMP), the Exposure Monitoring Plan (EMP), the a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), Environmental Impact Minimization Plan, Tree Restitution Plan and the Soil Erosion Prevention Plan. DESI also addressed Noise issues by installing and monitoring equipment and evaluating noise levels both on- and off-site. DESI was also involved in groundwater sampling, pretreatment and management, and establishing procedures to meet sustainability requirements. Continuous air and noise monitoring was performed on a real-time basis, with submission of weekly and monthly reports. DESI evaluated hazardous material, soil and groundwater quality, and developed disposal/reuse options.